The Beautiful Narrative of The First Time She Drowned
By Florence Lin Recently, I have been reading The First Time She Drowned by Kerry Kletter. This young adult fiction was strongly recommended to me by Benjamin Chang and has received excellent reviews online as well. As I read through the novel, I realize more and more why it is so well-liked: simply put, it is beautifully written. Told in the first person, The First Time She Drowned is a story about an 18-year-old girl, Cassie O'Malley. Cassie grew up idolizing and craving attention from her mother but being neglected by her. Her entire family is under the control of her mother, and aim only to please her. At age 15, under the instruction of Cassie’s mother, Cassie is placed into a mental institution. The novel mainly begins near the end of her stay at the institution and follows Cassie through her journey in the outside world, but frequently flashes back to Cassie’s past. By joining Cassie as she navigates and reflects on her life, readers empathize with her and f...